Friday, July 2, 2010

How to overcome confidence in interview

Confidence can be defined as strong belief in yourself and your abilities. Its freedom of thoughts within yourself. You act confidently when you are very certain about the outcome.
Let's think in this way:
Why do you lack confidence?Because you fear something
what do you fear?You fear that your act may lose you something.
If you overcome this fear of loss, that's it! You gain confidence.
There is nothing to lose. Every act of yours, will only teach you new things in life and gain new experiences.
Let's take an example:
You are waiting for an interview. You are nervous and low in confidence.
Ask yourself: why are you nervous?The answer would be: because I fear of failing in the interview.
Friends, Relax! It's fine if you fail once. This is not the end of the world. You have prepared yourself and you are going to give your best. Leave the rest to faith. Amitabh Bachchan was rejected for an interview in Akashwani. But that did not let him down. And today he is a Youth Icon.
If you do not fare well in the interview, do not let yourself down. You are not loosing anything. You are going to gain a wonderful experience on how the interview procedure was. Be positive. You can then work on what went wrong and correct it in your next interview. Every interview, every group discussion, every public speaking helps you gain experience in life. Once you understand this theory, you will overcome your fear. You will gain back your confidence. And then there will be no obstruction in your life.
Do not ever let negative thoughts come to your mind.
Try this out: If any negative thought comes to your mind, immediately cover that thought with a positive one.
Example: If the thought of failing in the interview approaches your mind, immediately coat it with the thought of how confidently you are answering all the questions. And then see how you feel!
If you do not have an answer to a question, do not fumble. Confidently say, "I am sorry sir, I do not have an answer to that question."
Remember, no human being fails in life. They only struggle. And a struggler one day becomes successful. The thought of giving up is the highest when you are about to gain success. So never give up.
Gaining confidence is not an easy procedure.
Every morning, look into the mirror, smile and say following sentences:
I am going to give my best today. Nobody can stop me.
I don't care what others think about me. I know who I am and what I think about myself. And this thought is enough for me.
If you feel that someone is trying to let you down or insulting you, just remember the above words in your mind and pity the person who is trying to let you down because he is failing miserably!
Some features of a confident personality are as follows:
· They are practical and realistic
· They accept themselves and the people around them.
· They appreciate people and things.
· They are problem centered and not self centered
· They have strong values and attitudes.
· They have good sense of humor
· Everyone is frightened of a confident person.
Remember, Thought is the most tremendous force in nature, you become what you think:
Think kind thoughts, you will become kind.This sickness, you will become sick.Think evil, you will become evil.Think health, you will become healthy.Think success, you will become successful.
So, what do you want to think?

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